Sunday, October 12, 2008

Get some focus

Ok, you have the spirit, you are going to take all the risks, and you want to start your very first startup. You brainstormed with your team and you came up with this brilliant idea which will take the world by storm.

Once you started implementing this idea, one of your team members comes up with a more brilliant idea which is an opportunity that you can not lose, and which you must grasp right now. So you innocently decide to put what you are doing on hold or even worse, try to manage juggling things around and balancing between those two lines.

Bad enough, another member of your team think of another brilliant idea, which will not change your direction, but might require some changes in the plan. Again innocently you fall for this huge opportunity that you can not miss, and start to tweak your plan to adopt this huge next big thing.

Before realizing it, you find out that you have made many changes that you are not able to find you original plan now. Every thing seems fuzzy and regretfully you could not create one success story cause you were busy changing plans rather than making them succeed.

Once a friend told me, when a leopard goes for a hunt, he stands still until he chooses a pray from the herd. Once found he goes after it until he catches it. If another pray passes by his shoulder, he never blinks towards it, cause if he did, he will end up jumping around chasing every pray for a moment until they all run away.

Ideas are not the building brick

when Masaru Ibuka starred Sony in 1945 he had no specific product idea. Their first attempt was a simple rice cooker which failed. If this proves anything then it proves that ideas are not the building brick in any startup, its the team which matters. The spirit and the feeling that you are able to face the world and realize your dream. This heat will generate the success and ideas, and will be able to adopt any failures and change it into success.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Balancing P/PC

Always balance your productivity over your productivity capacity. Most entrepreneurs rally their team towards work that generates money, and they miss investing time in developing their team, their process or even their infrastructure. Others tend to spend all their time doing what they like and miss meeting their revenue targets.

Its always the balance that keeps your startup moving forward and preparing itself to the next level.

Monday, October 6, 2008

How to bypass a crisis

As a an Entrepreneur, you will face problems every day, some are easy to handle, others are critical and might jeopardize your business.

First thing to do is to find your strength points and your weakness points. once you determine them, you should build over your strength, and eliminate your weaknesses.

Surprisingly enough, the challenge always comes with eliminating your weaknesses. Your weakness always comes from a failing project or an under performing employee. It always needs emotional fortitude to face this employee or admit the failure of one of your projects and take action towards it. But its inevitable that if you did not take actions and fast, it will haunt you until it grows big enough to nail you.